Warung Bebas

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Updates and moore

Ok so for all of my viewers (none) I would like to say.............boo. yeah im really bored but my bestest friend and loved sister got me hooked on his game and I tink half the reason I play it is to try and beat her at it. But either way im one of those guys who doesn't care for the end result but enjoys the challenge I think my sis just wants yo win but she wlhas been playing since like 5inches ago (very long time). I got my debit card last night .....no wait it was this morning at 2. I also got the squires tales# 2 and am looking forward to reading it.I had a hilarious burn the other night.  Someone said im cool as crap. So I came back with most crap is body temperature so ur not cool at all. I wore my deadmau5 shirt to the game a few days ago and the only persons that knew who they were was a gay man which we ended up talking for like 5 mnutes.oh and im still working on quitting the game which I have every word ready to type all in my head just evrytime I get to do it I get distracted.and ne and this one kid from clyde have never really gotten aplong but we r testing each other and we aren't friends but we r cool....also im gointo get to go play guitar at shys party in a couple of months while she sings who knew by pink. But its most likely I wont depending on who shows up to the party. Cause lately a guy in our hall who just got there some time back is a bully. Now I had go put up with bullies my whole life until the day I had enough and beat the living crap out of the bully who was clearly twice my size and that was 5th grade when I was 4' 2" and 75lbs.. and im sorry to say this but im either going to beat the hell out of him or quit going to our meetings and go to north or south franklins meetings.all that's all I can think of at the moment so ill see all zero of you guyses lata.

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